Event System
Events are triggered by actions that happen in the game like a player moving to a new world, entering a region, or attacking an entity. Every game object has its own set of events that can be triggered, for example regions have Enter Region Event
and Leave Region Event
, while entities have Damage Event
and Interact Event
. Events are bound to game objects, and get triggered when the event action is applied to the object.
When an event is triggered, the blocks within the event will run. There are some special blocks that allow you to access information about the event, or the event context
. These context blocks are Self
, Interactor
and Event Position
. Note that some events don't have all these values. The Self
target refers to the game object that was interacted with. Interactor
refers to the game object that caused the event to trigger, and Event Position
refers to the position that the event was triggered at.
As an example, inside of an Enter Region Event
, Self
is the region, Interactor
is the entity that entered the region, and Event Position
is the position of the entity when they enter the